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 Gratitude: Inspired by HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami

Writer: Nirali MullNirali Mull

By: Hari Pada Das

HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaj and one of his books in the Spiritual Warrior series
HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaj and one of his books in the Spiritual Warrior series

An eminent disciple of HDG Srila Prabhupada (Founder of The Hare Krishna movement), Maharaja wrote a series of 6 books viz. "Spiritual Warrior I to V”. Here, I extract His writings related to gratitude; in action.

In Spiritual Warrior III, Maharaja lists 12 qualities of a spiritual warrior namely: 1) Sense control and mastery of the mind 2) Humility 3) Fearlessness 4) Truthfulness 5) Compassion 6) Material exhaustion and disinterest in material rewards 7) No idle time 8) Patience and selflessness 9) Firm faith 10) Perseverance 11) Curiosity and enthusiasm to learn and grow 12) Surrender to divine will.

Consider quality 3. He writes “Fear and love do not go together. Fear is constricting, self-centered and self-conscious but love is expansive, selfless and service oriented” and “we must establish ourselves in a state of higher consciousness to serve others and the world”. When we give thanks by our words, this is an emotional exchange but when acted physically becomes an act of service. Will you let go of fear and become an instrument of love through service?

In the chapter “Choice before Humanity”, He writes “… both materialistic and spiritualistic people have feelings of incompleteness”. The former “resort to artificial means and become degraded” whereas the latter “pursue a relationship with God [Sri Krishna] and find empowerment”. Will you help connect Humanity with Divinity?

Later, He writes “…in the Vedas, Bible, Quran, Torah visits by Angels, Higher beings to Earth are mentioned”. Could Chaitanya Mahaprabhu be such a munificent Angel sent by God Krishna? Maharaja quotes “In Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna tells Ganga Devi there will be a golden age within Kali yuga that will start 5000 years after the beginning …”. Will you help establish this Golden age?

Later, He writes “women were subject of abuse in many cultures [Witch hunts, Inquisitions]. In the Hare Krishna movement, we glorify Sri Radha, God's eternal feminine partner. Maharaja invokes “Mother Father God” frequently in his Spiritual Warrior book series. Will you glorify God’s feminine form Sri Radha?

Later, He writes “…long ago a culture’s most palatial and gorgeous buildings were houses of worship but today they are casinos and banks”. Will you help us build a beautiful home for God’s worship?




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